Tis the season for runny noses and congestion as the flowers start to bloom. Here is a trick that will help clean your sinuses of congestion. I warn you this is a very difficult remedy and not for the faint of heart. Here goes! Okay this remedy works on the same principle as blowing milk out your nose when you laugh. Take a tolerable mixture of salt water and take a gulp size drink, but don’t swallow. Now the tricky part; somehow you need to take this salt water and blow it out your nose. There are several ways to accomplish this; the best way is to get someone to make you laugh. Some people have success bending over and doing a reverse snort through the nose. Relaxing the back of the throat while doing a reverse snort might be the key to this as well. It takes practice but if you master it you will never have to deal with congestion again. It’s not a very attractive method but it is a very effective one. The water helps flush out what is in there and the salt helps dry up the mucus. This method beats out any kind of medication. Good luck getting your kids to do this… though they may try it just to be funny.
This is a good idea. I can see how it would clear up the congestion better than Afrin, Neosynephrine, etc. by covering more area higher up. It would be hard to get the hang of, especially with kids like you wrote.